

With starters we propose aim to provide the best start of a meal that will in the tradition his thread.

What will you be initially offered, in particular, will be exclusively the product from our territory and the quality assured. Offer of the flow with the above dashed is what we care about most, and in this, our customers can be sure, we are determined not to give up.

To all this must be added that in the preparation of the dishes described here, significant element is the creativity with which we try to ensure that the flavors are at their finest and stimulate the 'appetite of our host, as we believe that a well thought starter should do.

Rifugio Shambala' Alpe Giumello - m.1550 - Alta Valsassina, Lecco
Gestione: Fam.Flavio Spazzadeschi
Telefono rifugio: 0341 802024 - Cell: 340 6722738